May 2009 Edition
New Applications
INCOMING Milspace ,
COMM-OPS - FROM Transportable to Man-Portable: Baseband SATCOM,
COMM-OPS - Network Management for MilSat VSAT Technology,
The advantages of two-way VSAT communications are widely accepted and understood. VSAT networks face different challenges whichever operational frequency band is used, whether it be Ku-, C-, Ka- or X-bands. For network management, the choice of frequency is not an issue. However, customer and operations department management requirements for VSAT networks have been increasing rapidly, to an extent propelled by developments in terrestrial network management. Additionally for satellite networks, the requirements for higher bandwidths combined with increased commercial space segment scarcity and therefore cost, have driven VSAT manufacturers to develop and implement more and more sophisticated systems to squeeze every bit per hertz from satellite capacity.
COMM-OPS - Major Trends in the Tactical Use Of MILSATCOM,
COMM-OPS - Digital Terrestrial + Mobile TV Deployment Over Satellite,
This article takes a look at the cost considerations a broadcaster could face during a deployment over satellite and explains how technologies such as DVB-S2 multistream and regionalization can reduce the total cost picture. Some use cases will be added to illustrate an alternative approach to design Digital Terrestrial or Mobile TV installations.
COMMAND CENTER - Colonel Roger W. Teague, SMC,
PRIORITY BRIEFING - Zachary Lemnios, CTO, Lincoln Laboratory,
NSR: PRIORITY BRIEFING - In Support of the Nexgen Soldier,
New weapons systems are moving away from Cold War capabilities, and rightly so, given that the enemy has and will continue to change. For future warfighting, technical capabilities need to be developed today in order to tap the military market of the future. More importantly, it would appear that current satellite capabilities are a long way from the vision of the nexgen soldier, which could present opportunities for companies that are willing to invest in systems development for future use.
PRIORITY BRIEFING - Military Access To Space,
PRIORITY BRIEFING - STPSat-1: Two Years of Successful Operations,
STPSat-1 was launched on March 8, 2007 as one of the payloads on the maiden flight of the EELV Secondary Payload Adapter (ESPA) ring. This Class C, single-string satellite is currently on orbit and exceeding the per-orbit data collection requirements of the two active experiments onboard: the Spatial Heterodyne Imager for Mesospheric Radicals (SHIMMER) and the Computerized Ionospheric Tomography Receiver in Space (CITRIS). The Air Force/Comtech AeroAstro (CAA) team completed the STPSat-1 Launch and Early Orbit checkout (LEO) activities within three weeks after launch, supporting an early start of the nominal operations phase and experiment data collection. On multiple occasions STPSat-1 has shown robustness in software and hardware implementation, allowing the satellite to continue its mission while dealing with issues that would have stymied a less robust design.
PROCUREMENT POTENTIAL - Wavestream: Solving Comm-On-The-Move Challenges ,
PROCUREMENT POTENTIAL - IGT: Taking Mobility To New Heights,
PROCUREMENT POTENTIAL, Cisco Integrated FIPS Solution Over Satellite
The satellites unique ability to provide simultaneous, multicast data to thousands of sites over a huge geographic footprint, independent of terrestrial networks, provides a variety of flexible solutions for government agencies. Satellite is an ideal technology to support primary networks in mission-critical applications and offers transportable solutions for rapid deployment and disaster recovery as well as a continuity of operations (COOP) solution.
PROCUREMENT POTENTIAL - Keeping Unmanned Security Vehicles on Track,
Frontline Robotics GRUNT AUGVs (Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles) are robots that perform perimeter patrols and other security tasks to enhance the efficiency within airports, container yards, and other critical security locations, as well as improving overall safety for soldiers or guards.