Home >> June 2012 Edition >> RECON: From Rings To Stacks: Spatial Solutions
RECON: From Rings To Stacks: Spatial Solutions
Moog motion control technology enhances performance in a variety of markets and applications

Our nation’s and our allies’ armed forces and government agencies are highly dependent upon the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data beamed to them by various MILSATCOM satellites. Retasking flexibility, observation without detection, the delivery of near-instant communication and data, and critical reliance upon a satellite’s capabilties are just four reasons for the continuance of satellite build programs, with the end result being saved lives and operational successes.

MOOGFig1 The companies involved in such endeavors range from extremely large in size to those with just a few professionals staffing their efforts. Some are names we all are quite familiar with, as their satellite offerings are just one portion of their overall manufacturing and technology offerings. Others you may never have heard of, but they are as equally important in producing viable products to aid MILSATCOM efforts. This issue, we enter the world of MOOG.

More than 50 years ago, Moog originated as a designer and supplier of aircraft and missile components. Today, Moog motion control technology enhances performance in a variety of markets and applications.

William C. Moog, the founder of the firm, was an inventor, entrepreneur and visionary. In 1951, Bill Moog developed the electro-hydraulic servovalve, a device that translates tiny, electrical impulses into precise, powerful movement. In July of 1951, Bill, his brother Arthur, and Lou Geyer, rented a corner of the abandoned Proner Airport in East Aurora, New York, and formed the Moog Valve Company.

“A Better Way” to Run a Company
Using his business experience, Bill knew that the work environment itself plays an important role in developing any Company’s success. He had some unique ideas about a “better way” to run his business, and that was to treat employees with trust and respect. These simple ideas laid the foundation for what would eventually become part of Moog’s much-acclaimed work environment and culture.

MOOGFig2 The first order for four valves was sold to Bendix Aviation. Larger orders followed from Boeing and Convair. The servovalve revolutionized the aerospace industry and led to the creation of Moog Inc. By 1954, Moog valves were standard equipment on about half of all U.S. fighter planes and more than 70 percent of all guided missiles.

The introduction of the industrial valve was a success, and, by 1960, total sales had grown to more than $10 million. In the aerospace arena, in one of Moog’s proudest achievements, the Company’s engineers designed and manufactured the actuators on the Saturn C-5 rocket that carried Neil Armstrong to his historic first step on the moon in July 1969.

During the 1970s, the growing market for injection and blow molding process controls was entered. More involvement in the U.S. space program led to the award of a contract to supply hardware on the Space Shuttle. The Shuttle flew for the first time in 1981, using the first application of Moog’s groundbreaking “Fly-by-Wire” technology.

In 1988, Robert T. Brady, Aircraft Group President, was named CEO. Sales at the end of the decade reached $282 million. By the mid-1990s, operations were established in India. The first large acquisition, a purchase from Allied Signal, was the Torrance, California, Aircraft Operation. By the close of 1999, revenues grew to more than $630 million.

MOOGFig3 Recent Successes
2001 brought a $50 million dollar Space Shuttle refurbishment contract and Moog stock moved from the American to the New York Stock Exchange. The Company was named the designer and supplier for the flight control systems for the Lockheed F-35 production aircraft and provider of the primary flight controls for Boeing‘s 787 Dreamliner program.

In 2004, revenues broke the $900 million revenue mark with another large acquisition, Litton Poly-Scientific, renamed Moog Components Group. For the first time, fiscal year sales were more than one billion dollars.

An Innovative Environment
Bill Moog’s sense of innovation went far beyond product design. From the very start, Bill believed that work should be a special place, that people would be more creative, committed, and productive in a work environment where they felt trusted, respected and rewarded. This set of ideas came to be known as the Moog Philosophy. It is a set of principles that guides the Company, even today. “Work can be a more rewarding and satisfying experience for everyone in an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence.”

In the firm’s 2006 Annual Report, Bob Brady wrote, “The most important attribute of our Company, though, is the culture that unites and motivates our people. It’s a culture that’s founded on integrity, honesty, and mutual trust. It values competence, extraordinary effort, individual responsibility, collaborative relationships, and open communications. It’s what attracts the best people to our Company and it’s the reason that the best people stay. In this environment they’re able to do their best work. Customers, who know our people, know that they will make every effort to deliver on our commitments. If a man or woman from Moog makes a promise, our Company will keep that promise.”

Teledyne_ad_MSM0612 You Want To Talk About Hosted Payloads? Well....
While attending the National Space Symposium 2012 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, earlier this year, one of the products that caught MilsatMagazine’s editorial eye was Moog’s ESPA Ring (see product photo). This is an EELV (Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle) secondary payload adapter that enables as many as six satellites, weighing up to 400 pounds (180kg) in total, to share the fairing accommodations with a primary satellite for injection into orbit. The ESPA Ring is suitable for a ride via a United Launch Alliance Atlas V or Delta IV launch vehicle. The product is also compatible with SpaceX’s Falcon 9 and Orbital SciencesTaurus II launch vehicles.

The total weight allowance for the primary satellite in the ESPA is 15,000 pounds using the standard EELV interface plane bolt pattern, which itself is a drop-in component within the launch stack. The ESPA is a simple, secondary interface with a 15-inch diameter bolt circle possessing 24 fasteners. Additionally, the ESPA can also serve as the structural hub of a satellite or free flyer.

The capabilities of the ESPA can best be realized from its success in two recent missions. The first was the U.S. Air Force’s STP-1 mission, which delivered multiple satellites, in addition to DARPA’s Orbital Express Primary Mission via an Atlas V launch vehicle.

The second was NASA’s Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)... these were launched using a single ESPA ring which supported the LRO and was the spacecraft hub for the LCROSS shepherding satellite—the ring served as a mounting platform for science instruments and spacecraft components.

Moog also offers other adapters. Their CubeStack brings a “Wafer” Configuration into play for Minotaur, Taurus, Pegasus, and Falcon vehicles. The unit was developed by LoadPath LLC and Moog CSA Engineering under contract to the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate, using requirements derived from launch vehicle specifications and lessons learned from NLAS adapter fabrication and test in support of the Air Force needs for rapid integration and launch capabilities. The CubeStack offers a small part count and minimal weight (105-lbs) as well as easy satellite dispenser integration.

There is also the Composite Adapter for Shared Payload Rides (CASPAR), a Multi-Payload Adapter (MPA) developed by Moog CSA with whole-spacecraft vibration isolation for the Minotaur IV Launch Vehicle. CASPAR accommodates two, 1500-lb satellites, or as many as four ESPA-class satellites when used with one or two Flat-Plate Adapters.

The Flat-Plate Adapter, or FPA, is compatible with ESPA or CASPAR and mounts two ESPA-class satellites side by side. FPA is available with Moog CSA’s SoftRide isolation and can be scaled up or down for larger, or smaller, spacecraft.

MOOGFig4 ESPA SUM, the ESPA 6U Mount, mounts a pair of 3U CubeSats or a single 6U CubeSat on an ESPA port. The CubeSats are tertiary payloads that share the port with a secondary satellite and deploy after secondary separation. One 6U or two 3Us can be deployed from each port. Up to six SUMs can be included on an ESPA Mission.

Most Accommodating Arrays...

Most impressive during the editorial visit was an understanding of the versatility of the ESPA ring. Modified versions of the ring may accommodate a four-port adapter. This increases the capacity of the unit from 400 pounds (1800kg) to 660 pounds (300kg), per satellite. For smaller launches, there is a 38.8-inch ring that offers 8- or 15-inch ports for launch vehicles such as the Minotaur IV, Delta II, Falcon 1e and Taurus vehicles.

When separated from a launch vehicle, the ESPA is highly useful as an actual satellite bus structure. Such is evident when realizing the ring formed the core structure of the LCROSS mission and resides at the heart of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) mission.

Desire even more versatility? With an ESPA 6U mount (ESPA SUM), the ring’s interior volume becomes available with additional capacity for CubeSats or other nanosats behind a 15-inch port that includes a pair of 3U packages, or a single 6U satellite. And to assist with shock and vibration mitigation, the ESPA’s standard ports accommodate ShockRing and other SoftRide solutions that are tailored for particular payloads. Such were incorporated into the STP-1 and DSX missions.

All About Actuator Accuracy
The Company has engineered a new, noise-free, potentiometer called QuieSense™, which will enhance the reliability of actuators used with satellites. The newly designed Moog potentiometers provide feedback on the position of solar array drives and antenna-pointing mechanisms. Moog hopes satellite design engineers will replace traditional potentiometers with Moog’s QuieSense technology to extend the reliability and performance of actuators used on satellites.

MOOGFig5 If a satellite is trying to determine the position of, say, its solar array and there is drop-out noise, then technicians may think the solar array is pointing in a direction that it is actually not pointing to correctly. Moog solved this problem by engineering its new potentiometer to include non-sliding contact between the conductor and resistive element. Using membrane potentiometer technology, not unlike the kind used with iPod controls, Moog’s engineers sourced materials that could compensate for conditions such as ambient pressure and vacuum. Through rigorous testing, Moog qualified that the materials for its new potentiometer met the requirements of spaceflight.

“After an extended period of life testing, QuieSense has shown that it performs without introducing any noise. We ran the new potentiometer above and beyond anything we do normally, and there was no drop-out noise,” said Ralph Gunderson, sales manager for Moog. “This new potentiometer will have a virtually unlimited life, and make our standard line of actuators even more reliable.”

A commercial satellite manufacturer has already opted to use Moog’s new potentiometer and actuators on a communications satellite that is scheduled for launch in early 2014. Moog is also developing a range of sizes for its QuieSense potentiometer to enable satellite makers to easily replace traditional potentiometers found on an array of actuators now used for spaceflight.

“In a traditional potentiometer, a wiper element slides across tracks and converts a signal that is picked up by the satellite. Over time the wiper and contact generate debris consisting of very minute particles that raise the wiper and lose the signal contact. “This causes noise, a signal ‘drop-out,’” said Ruben Nalbandian, engineering manager for Moog. “The Moog QuieSense noise-free potentiometer uses a rolling motion and produces an analog signal output, so there isn’t any of the drop-out noise that comes from traditional potentiometer technology.”

MoOGFig6 To The Next Stepper...
Moog’s Space and Defense Group is tapping Application Specific Integrated Circuit technology to design a new electronic driver module for stepper-based applications and solenoid valves used on spacecraft. The new module is part of the Company’s efforts to provide advanced motion-control components and avionics for satellites and launch vehicles. This will be at least 50 percent lighter than the current driver module and will operate in radiation environments up to 100 KRad TID and at temperatures from -55¬∞C to +100¬∞C.

Moog will make the new driver module for applications such as solar array drive assemblies and antenna pointing mechanisms. The module’s electrical characteristics include input voltage ranging from 20V to 45V with a maximum current capability of 2A. Total power dissipation for the module is less than 1W in standby mode, and less than 6W at 36V in all other operational modes.

“We believe our new driver module improves on anything currently available to the space industry,” said Dr. Ali Ghavimi, business unit engineering manager for Moog. “The benefits are radiation hardness, modularity, compactness, performance and cost. Our new driver module is capable of driving 2-, 3-, or 4-phase stepper motors operating in either cardinal stepping or micro-stepping modes.”

In cardinal stepping mode, design engineers can configure the unit to operate using either linear or pulse-width modulation (PWM) current control. All micro-stepping modes employ a PWM current control scheme.

The new driver module operates in multiple modes to support appropriate system-level operational scenarios. For example, design engineers can configure the module on-the-fly to operate in single cardinal stepping for slew mode, where there is no system tracking or induced jitter requirement, and in micro-stepping mode, where there is a tight performance requirement. The driver module also allows for real-time changes to the motor current limit when operating in PWM mode. This feature ensures appropriate torque is available when needed. Engineers can also apply the driver module to a spaceborne solenoid valve application. In the solenoid mode, the module can control up to four independent channels.

“Customers can also use our next-generation of versatile electronic control units to integrate the driver module with other higher subsystem electronics,” added Ghavimi.

The new Moog driver module meets MIL-PRF-38534 Class K requirements and NASA EEE-INST-002 Level 1 requirements.

Testing Prevents Surprises
The process of satellite assembly, integration and test is exacting and requires considerable care. Moog CSA’s satellite support platforms provide mechanical mounting and decoupling from a client’s facility and its sources of mechanical disturbance. Platforms incorporate vibration isolation and are compatible within atmospheric and thermal-vacuum environments. They allow handling within client facilities while protecting the satellite or major subsystem from harm.

Gravity affects structures differently on orbit—however, those structures must be integrated and validated on the ground. A compliant deployable appendage may be mass-optimized for in-space performance but unable to support its own weight on Earth. Moog CSA’s gravity offload systems provide low frequency suspension with modes as low as 0.1 Hz, enabling space structures to be tested and validated. With no sag, the suspension allows testing of fixed structures and additional features support structures with moving and deploying appendages.

Flight testing of spacecraft is rarely practical or affordable. The Company offers products that extend the fidelity of hardware-in-the-loop testing, incorporating more realistic aspects of flight including high frequency structural response. With six degrees of freedom motion bases, image motion compensation algorithms can be evaluated and test articles can be positioned relative to other verification equipment. Embedded systems and a user interface provide multiple options for control and coordination with other ground test systems.

MOOGFig7 New launch vehicles, small satellites and evolving structural concepts drive the need for more sophisticated testing and qualification before flight. Moog CSA operates a facility under a cooperative research and development agreement with the Air Force that allows for the testing of a variety of payload and interstage structures, fairings and interface cones. Developed initially to qualify the ESPA ring, this facility has been adapted to test multiple composite and metal structures and allows for application of multi-axis loads to simulate launch and includes extensive data acquisition. Custom fixtures augment the basic system for specialized tests.

When a major aerospace company began to develop a new vacuum test facility for large space optics, Moog CSA provided vibration isolation. Moog CSA delivered an optical bench that is more than 25m long and supported by a soft isolation system. With suspension modes in the range of 1 to 2Hz, the 250-ton bench is mechanically decoupled from the rest of the facility including pumps and other machinery, enabling a high fidelity representation of the space environment. The bench also provides a software monitoring system and load leveling to accommodate moving payloads on the bench.

With huge interest and deployment of Earth imaging systems and satellites, space telescopes and other large optical systems, all require validation and verification before launch. Precision positioning systems to support ground testing are provided. These systems are based on the Company’s hexapod motion platforms with resolution measured in micrometers or smaller. In vacuum chamber operation, the systems allow software-controlled alignment of test optics and flight components to prove assembly and performance of subsystems and complete assemblies. These product offerings incorporate mechanical, electromechanical, electrical, firmware and software elements to provide turnkey systems. Other ares of concentration for Moog include:

Zero gravity simulation systems that imitate true, free-free boundary conditions in the dynamic testing of structures (place zero gravity image)

SoftRide vibration isolation systems that protect entire satellites from the rough ride into orbit, providing some shock isolation and reduction of the transmission of energy that drives acoustic loading. The standard SoftRide designs are tuned to each combination of launch vehicle and payload to ensure the best performance while remaining compatible with attitude control systems. SoftRide components and manufactured, tested, and installed jointly with customers.

SA series actuators produce vibration in a controlled, precise manner. Their primary uses are in active vibration cancellation, active damping and dynamic testing. These actuators deliver force at a mounting point by reacting against a mass internal to the device housing. The SA family employs a highly-efficient magnetic circuit to deliver high force output per electrical input. Typical bandwidth is 20-1000 Hz and input impedance is 2-20 Ohms. Force outputs range from one to 35 lb (4.5 - 155 N) with much higher output over narrow frequency ranges. Moog offers each of the SA actuators with optional mounting configurations and various electronic drive options.

The design and building of hexapods for a variety of applications that require precision motion or vibration control. These are six degree of freedom positioning systems that offer high load carrying capacity, controllable stiffness, and built-in redundancy. It is a type of parallel manipulator that is used increasingly in platform stabilization, motion simulation, inspection and research. Hexapods can also be used to realize vibration isolation in multiple axes. Precision positioning, vibration isolation, and motion simulation are the three primary design drivers.

MOOGFig8 Evolution
Moog has evolved from being a producer of components to a provider of subsystems and systems integration over the past 60 years they have been in business. The evolution is a result of an established strategy and fulfilled through internal growth, focused acquisitions plans, and market penetration. The firm has 27 sales and manufacturing locations across the Americas, Europe and Asia and offers complete testing facilities, such as Thermal Vacuum, HALT/HASS, Vibration, Shock, Cryogenic and EMI. In the Americas and Asia, Moog brings class 10,000 clean rooms into the mix, as well as in-house production facilities. With ground to launch to on-orbit support and testing, Moog’s systems engineering also supports full integration services.

In the fall of 1997, Bill Moog passed away. In a tribute to Bill shortly after his death, Bob Brady, Chairman and CEO, had this to say about the Company:

“Every day, an extraordinary group of people come together to devote their time and energy to build the best product of its type built anywhere in the world... and to deliver that product to the most demanding customers in the world. Those customers can be assured that the product bearing Bill’s name is the best product that mansakind can make...and it will be better next month, and better next year. This is our lasting tribute to Bill.”

That, definitely, says it all.
