Home >> January 2016 Edition
January 2016 Edition
Intelligence, Surveillance + Reconnaissance (ISR/AISR/C4ISR), Interference + Carrier ID Implementation
Dispatches Part I, Information & News, by the Editors
Milsat News and Products of Note
Dispatches Part II, Information & News, by the Editors
Milsat News and Products of Note
Carrier ID + Interference Reduction For Government + Defense MILSATCOM Networks, By Koen Willems, Market Director, Government and Defense, Newtec
Despite the number of articles and industry blogs that have already been dedicated to interference mitigation concerning satellite communications, there still does not seem to be enough clarity on what measures have already been taken and what solutions are in the pipeline.
YEAR IN REVIEW—2015: Hughes DISD, By Rick Lober, Vice President + General Manager, Hughes Defense & Intelligence Systems (DISD)
2015 was an exciting year for Hughes Defense as the company launched a new SATCOM product line directed toward specialized applications.
Automating To Solve Interference, By Roger Franklin, Chief Executive Officer, Crystal
Military operations rely heavily on satellite communications because personnel are often in remote and challenging environments where only satellite communications will work.
GovSat Insights: An APAC Essential—Assuring Connectivity + Ops in Degraded Comms Environments, By Mark Wiggins, Director of DoD Business Development, Juniper Networks Report
Late last year, the AFCEA (afcea.org/) sponsored their annual Technet Asia Pacific Conference, which brings together private industry and leading technology companies with thought leaders and decision makers from the Federal Government and United States Military. 
The Military Needs ID, By Martin Coleman, Executive Director, the Satellite Interference Reduction Group (IRG)
Discussions with various military colleagues continue regarding the subject of Carrier ID continue to be held.
The HPA Corner: 2015, A Year Of successes, By Nicole Robinson, Chair, Hosted Payload Alliance (HPA)
As we look back at 2015 on behalf of the Alliance and the mission we’re seeking to advance, we can reflect upon a number of successful events and activities—the culmination of which presents an important picture for hosted payloads and can help us chart a path forward.
An IGC Focus: AISR Missions Via Intelsat EpicNG Ku-Band, By Christopher M. Hudson, Intelsat General Corporation (IGC), and, Eric Hall and Glenn Colby, L-3 Communications

A significant cost of AISR missions today is the leasing of bandwidth from commercial satellite (COMSAT) systems, including Ku-band. Going forward, DoD guidance recommends future AISR systems support both commercial Ku-band systems (legacy and future), as well as military Ka- band [1].
Combating VSAT Military Interference, By Petter Amundsen, Chief Executive Officer, VeriSat
Over recent years, there has been a great deal of action to reduce satellite interference—with some good results.
A Satcom Frontier Trilogy, Three Top Executives State IGC The Case
Military & Commercial Satcom are gearing up for the future.
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